Crucial Quickbooks Decision - Should you categorize your real estate projects by Class or Customer? This is video will help you decide whether to categorize your real estate projects by Class or...
The most common question regarding REI accounting: “How to translate an HUD?” Here it is! A step by step guide to recording the purchase of property!
So many of our businesses are run off of repeatable processes and checklists. We’ve come up with a really cool way to automate this with Podio and Globiflow. Want to give it a try? Get...
Quickbooks Online is an amazing tool for tracking the financials of your Property Management business. But QBO falls short in many other operational areas. Workflow automation software like Podio...
Perhaps the most crucial role of any property manager is corresponding with and collecting rent from tenants. Quickbooks Online has amazing accounts receivable functionality built right in! In this...
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